Houston cop burst into tears when daughter sings 'Happy Birthday'

It is really a tough task to stay away from loved one's on your special day. No matter if it is festival, a celebration or something cops have to do their duty to make us feel secure.
Recently we found a video footage of a Houston Cop burst into tears when his daughter called him on phone and wished on his special day by singing Happy Birthday. Check out the video -
From their official twitter account, Houston police shared this video with caption "When #HurricaneHarvey keeps you from home on your birthday, you're serenaded over the phone by your daughter #HoustonStrong"When #HurricaneHarvey keeps you from home on your birthday, you're serenaded over the phone by your daughter #HoustonStrong pic.twitter.com/ldHDHeBaaI— Houston Police (@houstonpolice) August 31, 2017
Tags : news, birthday wishes, happy birthday, birthday song