Celebrate with Motivation : Inspirational Birthday Wishes Messages

Let's celebrate our beloved one's birthday by motivating them. Here are some inspirational birthday wishes that would be perfect to send to your friends/cousins/lover or anyone else whom you want to motivate on their special day. Yeah these quotes obviously work but when you send someone these type of quotes on a special day, than they would surely remember it for the rest of their life.
Inspirational Birthday Wishes Messages
- No matter how young you feel, no matter how inexperienced you may be, you deserve all of the great things life has to offer. Happy birthday to my dear friend whose life is soaring high!
- Set your goals high and your achievements even higher! Happy birthday to my determined friend!
- God made you unique. God gave you talents and gifts. And, most importantly, He gave you His love and salvation. May you be blessed this day and throughout your life. Happy birthday, young soul!
- At your age, you have already learned so many valuable things. But, trust me, the life lessons coming will astound you. Praying for your success and continued skill as you become a teenager. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday to the best and coolest friend I have in school! Here’s wishing you a fun day, great presents, and dear friends to help you celebrate.
- Happy birthday, dear friend! I know you will have a great day and even better year.
- We have not been friends for long, but I promise you this: we will be friends for years to come! Happy birthday!
- Of all the friends I have ever made, nobody compares to you. You are truly kind, generous, and fun to be around. Let’s plan on celebrating together every year! Happy birthday!
- Dreams seen with eyes closed can be forgotten. Real dreams are those that come when the eyes are wide open and the heart is ready to follow them. Happy Birthday with a life full of dreams!
- A coward loses dreams because of fragility, a cautious person loses dreams thinking of possibility, but a brave heart like you shows the courage to turn them into reality. Wishing you a really very Happy Birthday!
- Every milestone is a miniature victory on the road to achieving your goals. May you achieve everything you dreamt about. Wishing you good luck and a bright future on this special day. Happy Birthday!
- Dreams are like tender plants.Hardships and troubles might try to wither them, but if you nurture them well, they would one day become a tree that could provide you with the best fruits. From the lands where sweetness breeds, May God fulfills all your needs. Happy Birthday!
- Dream to touch the skies. So what if you fail? You still land among the clouds. The sky is the limit for you. May God give you the wings of valor to soar high and spread your colors. Happy Birthday!
- Dreams are the only things that give you reasons to push yourself ahead. Dream big and make them true, so that one-day people get inspired by your sheer guts. Happy Birthday!
- When people bitched, you praised. When people left, you stayed. When my back was against the wall you were the cushion. Thank you for strengthening my every emotion. Happy Birthday!
- Even in the darkest nights, you were my ray of hope. When the whole world seemed bleak, you showed me the bright path. On your special day, all I can offer you is my immense gratitude for being there for me. Wish you a very happy birthday.
- You have been the shoulder on which I could cry, the arms in which I could feel safe and the ears that could listen to my deepest secrets. Thank you, my friend, for everything. Happy birthday.
- All the gratitude in this world would fall short to express how thankful I am to you. You have made me a better person I could have ever hoped to become; a person I could actually be proud to be. Thank you, my dear, and wish you a very happy birthday.
- You came in my life as a stranger but became my friend, my mentor, my guide and my sculptor. Words fail to express my gratitude to you, so I have to content myself with a simple “thank you”. Happy birthday, my dearest friend.
- Happy birthday, sweet friend! Having you in my life has opened my eyes to love, mercy, and forgiveness. I am so thankful for your friendship. Enjoy your day!
- I lift my hands up in praise and thanksgiving for the life God has given us and the friendship He has blessed me with through you. You truly have changed my life this year, dear friend. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday, friend! I hope you enjoy this gift. I am incredibly thankful for your presence in my life and I know I could never begin to repay you for the gift of your friendship over these years, but this is a start. Enjoy your day!
- Praise be to God and thanksgiving to the heavens for your friendship this year. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday, sweet friend! Having you in my life has opened my eyes to love, mercy, and forgiveness. I am so thankful for your friendship. Enjoy your day!
- Once in a while, life brings the best gift of all – a true friend. True friends change lives one special moment at time. Thank you for many such moments and more to come. Happy birthday, sweet friend!
- They say, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I say, “When life gives you awesome friends, make memories that are even more awesome!” Here’s to you, dear friend, and all the joy you have brought into my life. Happy birthday!
- Although this year has had both its ups and downs, you have always been around. You are the true example of friendship. Thank you for all you have been and done in my life. Happy birthday to someone I am honored to call “friend!”
- I lift my hands up in praise and thanksgiving for the life God has given us and the friendship He has blessed me with through you. You truly have changed my life this year, dear friend. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday, friend! I hope you enjoy this gift. I am incredibly thankful for your presence in my life and I know I could never begin to repay you for the gift of your friendship over these years, but this is a start. Enjoy your day!
- Praise be to God and thanksgiving to the heavens for your friendship this year. Happy birthday!
Tags : birthday wishes, motivational birthday wishes, inspirational birthday messages, happy birthday quotes, motivational quotes